Your order being shipped depends on stock availability. If you have ordered multiple products, typically your order will be dispatched from our warehouse once all stock is available.
With pre-ordered items, your entire order will ship once all products are available in our warehouse. This means dispatching will be delayed while we wait on stock. If you would like your order partially shipped, please contact our friendly Customer Service team using the link below. Unfortunately, we cannot offer partial shipping on financed orders as these must all be dispatched at the same time.
With built-to-order gaming PCs and systems, the product will ship once it has been assembled, tested, and quality controlled by our technical team. Lead times vary from system to system, and this information should be detailed on the product page. Please note that during busy periods, like Christmas, lead times may change. If you have more questions or would like an update, please contact our friendly Customer Services team via the link below.