If you have requested a refund on a product or your order, how long it will take to process depends on your original payment method.
Credit or Debit card: Please allow up to seven working days for the refund to show up on your available balance.
Paypal: Please allow up to seven working days for the refund to show up on your available balance.
Amazon Refunds: Please allow up to seven working days for the refund to show up on your available balance.
Klarna Refunds: If you have cancelled or returned part of your order, it can take up to fourteen days for the refund to process and update the balance of your connected payment. In this case, we will issue a partial refund. If the partial refund is less than the remaining balance of your order, the amount still owed will be spread evenly across the remaining payments. If the partial refund is greater than the remaining balance of your order, the difference will be credited to the original payment method.
Klarna Financing: With Klarna Financing, if the total amount owed is greater than the refund, the refund will be deducted from your financing account balance. If the total amount owed is less than the refund, then the refund will be available as a positive balance in your account, which can be used with your account at any participating online stores.
Novuna Finance: If you cancel your order, the finance agreement will be cancelled. The deposit will be refunded to you within seven working days. If you remove an item from your order, the refund will be deducted from your outstanding balance on the agreement. This should reduce the monthly payments, where applicable.