If your PC system shows an error regarding Windows 11 activation or license codes, follow these steps to resolve the issue:
Digital License Activation
Automatic Activation:
- Most of our systems come with a digital Windows 11 license, which should activate automatically. If there's an error, refer to the troubleshooting section below.
Physical Key Activation
Locating Your Key:
- If your system includes a physical key and disk, you can find them in the welcome pack that came with your PC. The key is in a white CD sleeve labelled 'Microsoft Windows,' and the activation sticker is inside the pack.
- For next-day PCs (e.g., Refract Range), the activation sticker is on the back of the PC system, usually near the IO ports. The sticker has your Windows key, which you need to activate your copy of Windows. Gently scratch off the coating to reveal the code.
Activating Windows with a Physical Key
- Click the Start button.
- Select Settings > Activation > Update product key > Change product key.
- Enter your license key.
Your copy of Windows 11 should now be activated.
Troubleshooting Steps
If your license is not working immediately, try these steps:
Built-in Troubleshooting:
- Search for Settings in the search bar and select it.
- Navigate to Activation.
Click the Troubleshoot button. This may help resolve the issue.
Get Help App:
Search for 'Get Help' in the Start menu and sign in with your Microsoft account. Through the app, you can contact Microsoft Live Chat for assistance. A technician can remotely activate your system.
Telephone Activation:
- Open the 'Run' menu (Windows Key + R).
- Type
and press Enter. This opens the telephone activation service. Follow the instructions to enter the installation code via the telephone keypad.
Obtaining Your Windows Digital Key
If the built-in troubleshooting option doesn’t resolve the issue, follow these steps to obtain your Windows Digital Key:
Open Command Prompt:
- Search for "CMD" in the search bar and open Command Prompt.
Select Run as Administrator (you can also right-click the application to choose this).
Retrieve Your Key:
- Type or copy the following line into Command Prompt:
wmic path softwarelicensingservice get OA3xOriginalProductKey
Press Enter. This will display your Windows Activation Key in the format XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX.
Activate Windows:
- Enter this key in your activation settings to activate your system.
Further Assistance
If the above steps do not resolve the issue, provide a screenshot of the Command Prompt output and the error code from the activation troubleshooter (e.g., 0xC004F213) to our support team for additional help.
For more detailed assistance, you can visit: